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Localization for YSokoban

Last modified on 2023.10.31

About localization

Localization support for YSokoban (since version 1.200) is done by providing text file with translation for different languages. Just get required language packs (usually only 1) and unzip them (it) in a directory (folder) where YSokoban.exe is located. Since version 1.700 there are two types of localization files: Unicode and ANSI. If you use only Unicode version then ANSI localization files (those without UTF8 inside their name) are not needed and may even work in a wrong way if you don't have correct settings for your non-Unicode programs support (this is inside windows settings for both XP and 7). Having both Unicode and ANSI versions of localization files is not a problem, because ANSI version (YSokobanA) will not read UTF8 localization files, while Unicode version YSokoban will skip ANSI version if there is Unicode one.

Specified YSokoban version for English (and Bulgarian) is the latest version of YSokoban which has a change in localization texts. If localization file for your language is smaller version, perhaps some newly added texts will not be translated and will read in English.

Since YSokoban 1.800 there is no non Unicode version provided in default package. So if you have downloaded non Unicode version, then you will need non Unicode translation files too. Otherwise they are of no use for you.

If there is no localization for your language and you want to contribute to YSokaban I would be glad and will appreciate it if you send a translation for your language to me.

Help files

YSokoban will display help when pressing F1. Help is in html format and is displayed in current browser. YSokoban comes with help files in English.

In localization zips a help files for other languages may exists (if they are translated for that language).

Sources for help files (currently English and Chinese) are written in wiki format and are converted to html by the YWiki program. If you want to change something in help files (or do a translation for your language) please use wiki sources (do not modify htmls, because htmls are generated). After downloading a zip file with sources: unzip it somewhere and read readme.txt inside. Few tools (exe) are provided in the zip with explanation in readme.txt.

If you make some changes (or do a translation to your language) please provide changed files to me, if you want to have them on this web site available for all.


Date Language Help files Contributed by Version   Zip file for download (UTF8) For non Unicode version
(YSokobanA only)
2023.10.31 English in program zip   1.847 click to download ysokoban_english.zip Same as the UTF8 version
2023.10.31 Bulgarian
with readme
available   1.847 click to download ysokoban_bulgarian.zip YSokobanA only
2023.10.31 Chinese (Simplified) available Yang Chao, Ming and Rocky 1.847 click to download ysokoban_ch_simplified.zip YSokobanA only
2021.06.27 Chinese Traditional (Big 5) available Yang Chao, Ming and Rocky 1.842 click to download ysokoban_ch_traditional.zip YSokobanA only
2011.02.09 German   Ticko 1.500 click to download ysokoban_german.zip YSokobanA only
2011.01.23 Spanish
with readme
  Luis Fernandez
(email inside translated file)
1.500 click to download ysokoban_spanish.zip YSokobanA only
2021.10.10 Spanish (Mexico)
with readme
  (email inside translated file) 1.842 click to download ysokoban_mx_es.zip

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